Romainan Deadlift & Hip Hinge

Hip Hinge Execution:

  1. Stance: Feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent.
  2. Hip Movement: Push hips back, not down.
  3. Upper Body: Keep chest up and back flat.
  4. Range of Motion: Go until you feel a hamstring stretch.
  5. Return to Start: Drive hips forward to stand upright.

Bodyweight Romanian Deadlift (RDL):

  1. Stance: Feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent.
  2. Arms Position: Extend arms straight down, palms facing thighs.
  3. Hip Hinge: Push hips back, keep chest up and back flat.
  4. Lowering: Lower upper body until almost parallel to the ground.
  5. Hamstring Stretch: Maintain slight knee bend, feel hamstring stretch.
  6. Return to Start: Drive hips forward, squeeze glutes at the top.


  • Breathing: Inhale down, exhale up.
  • Core: Engage core throughout.
  • Weight Distribution: Emphasize heels.
  • Avoid: Rounding back or excessive knee bend.

Conclusion: “Mastering these movements builds strength and proper form. Practice these cues for the best results. Happy training!”