Barbell back Squat


  1. Hand Placement: Place your hands on the bar as close to your shoulders as your mobility allows.
  2. Bar Position: Step under the bar and place it on your upper traps (not your neck or bones). The bar should be set at a height where you can lift it off the rack by standing fully upright.
  3. Unrack the Bar: Stand up to lift the bar off the rack.
  4. Setup Stance: Take three steps: one step back, then two steps to the side to get into your squat stance.
  5. Elbow Position: Keep your elbows back and down, engaging your lats.
  6. Core Engagement: Brace your core to stabilize your spine.

Squat Execution:

  1. Stance: Place your feet hip-width apart or a little wider. Everyone’s squat stance is a little different, so find what feels comfortable for you.
  2. Toe Position: Turn your toes out slightly (very slightly).
  3. Chest Position: Keep your chest up and maintain a proud posture.
  4. Foot Engagement: Screw your feet into the floor to create a stable base.
  5. Hip Rotation: Externally rotate your femurs (thigh bones) to engage your glutes and stabilize your hips.
  6. Hip Movement: Drive your hips back as if you’re sitting into a chair, ensuring your knees follow the direction of your toes.
  7. Depth: Go as deep as your mobility allows. Ideally, if your flexibility is good, your hamstrings should touch your calves at the bottom.
  8. Control: Your speed should mirror in both directions, meaning you should descend and ascend in a controlled manner.

Additional Tips:

  • Breathing: Inhale as you lower into the squat and exhale as you push back up.
  • Gaze: Keep your gaze forward or slightly upward to help maintain a neutral spine.
  • Core Engagement: Maintain core tension throughout the movement to protect your lower back.
  • Weight Distribution: Keep your weight evenly distributed across your feet, with a slight emphasis on your heels.
  • Common Mistakes: Avoid letting your knees cave inward or allowing your back to round excessively. Focus on proper form to prevent injury.
  • Spotter: If you are lifting heavy, consider using a spotter for safety.